Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Mood Killers

1. The word "NO"!
2. Married Men who act single
3. Married Men who don't tell you they're married
4. Children of speaking age
5. Children who can open doors
6. Children who don't live with the other parent
7. Photos of Britney Spears
8. STD's
9. Buckley's cough syrup
10. Celebrity crotch shots
12. Cigarette breath
13. Gnarly teeth (BRUSH THEM PLEASE!!!)
14. Hot breath
15. EX's, every one of them!
16. Crowded subway rides
17. A guy who's apartment has no bathroom (Yeah, I've been there)
18. Roving eyes
(Just go. If you can't even stay focused looking in one direction what else can't you do?!)
19. Using the word "MOIST" as a pick up line, for instance walking up to a woman and exclaiming, "My God You're moist."
20. Do you REALLY need that little blue pill?
21. Parole

and yours are?

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